n. 1 (context rugby English) the portion of the field which is larger as measured from a scrum or breakdown to the touchline 2 (context rugby English) a position in the last row of forwards on that side, more fully ''open-side flanker'', designated with number 7 3 (context rugby English) a player in that position
Usage examples of "open-side".
In some areas late straw was stooked to dry, and Anna saw workmen pitching stooks onto the wagons and carting them to great open-sided barns.
There were four rows of those battens, and behind the two rows nearest the port and starboard sides wooden boxes and open-sided crates were piled to the very top, except where a space had been left free for the air from the ventilators to find its way in.
At the edge of the market there was an open-sided wooden building where water steamed in copper pots over braisers and a rough stone oven smelled strongly of sweet bread.
I say, looking around, surprised to see how little has changed—the boats docked near us mostly the same as four years ago— the cheekees, brown palm-frond thatched, open-sided huts, still providing shade at Monty's restaurant's outdoor patio just a few yards from the dock.
Among hradani, waterwheels were used only to drive the grinding stones of grist mills, but these people obviously used water to power a whole host of other tools, as well, and Bahzell watched in fascination as they passed an open-sided structure where a water-driven saw as tall as many men slabbed enormous tree trunks neatly into planks and timbers.
Assuming he'd judged right, and he felt ninety percent sure he had, the train would slow and stop just here below him, and the T'swa would start getting out of the open-sided wooden cars.