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open houses

n. (plural of open house English)

Usage examples of "open houses".

As he cycled past the unfinished, open houses on the County Road, he wondered how many nights he would spend behind the closed facade of Hanuman House.

Only, between the posts of open houses, we could see the townsfolk stretched in the siesta, sometimes a family together veiled in a mosquito-net, sometimes a single sleeper on a platform like a corpse on a bier.

Rush was a grueling week where girls had to attend parties and interviews, open houses, and special events to promote the Greek system-like that morning's float parade.

The houses of the plebeians were barricaded, the halls of the patricians stood open, but they felt greater hesitation about entering the open houses than those which were closed.

He grew up thinking that church was something that simply interfered with games and weekend open houses.

He ran his finger down a list of Open Houses until he found one address and description marked call jerry.

Many of the nearby communities sponsored Christmas open houses and walks and celebrations.

Jump to us reading the real estate section of the newspaper, looking for big open houses.

Brandy calls all the realtors to find which open houses have people still living in them.

The open houses clearly could not be air-conditioned, and wherever their power station and solar collectors were located, Kemal certainly couldn't see them.