n. any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare; "the break in the eighth frame cost him the match" [syn: break]
An open frame in tenpin bowling refers to a frame in which the player made neither a strike nor a spare. Bowling one of these in a professional game is typically devastating enough to one's score to cause a loss.
Usage examples of "open frame".
The telescope itself was an open frame, vaguely cylindrical, looming in the dark.
Leol Reiger's team were climbing through the open frame, dropping on to the balcony below.
Reiger's team were climbing through the open frame, dropping on to the balcony below.
A couple meters beyond the guard stood the open frame of a metal detector.
She put it upright, climbed the two steps, and stood with her head in the night air, above the open frame of the broken-out skylight.