OpEdNews is a United States-based progressive/ liberal news, antiwar activism, and opinion website founded by Rob Kall in 2003.
It is a hybrid news, community blog and article aggregation site that publishes opinion-based articles, news stories, and diaries while its mission, according to the site, is to "...provide a content management, social networking website that supports progressive communications resources and tools for activism and advocacy organizations." Being a news-source for many mainstream media, independent websites and blogs, OpedNews calls itself "a Drudge Report for progressives".
The site regularly features articles by journalists (including media critic Jeff Cohen and Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges), politicians (including US Senator Bernie Sanders and former U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich), and commentators and activists (including Michael Moore and Medea Benjamin) as well as first-time writers.
In 2014, technorati ranked among the top 100 blogs for politics, uspolitics. world, green, and health, and listed it as among the "Top 100 blogs overall", while Mediaite showed founder Kall ranked as one of the top 200 print/online columnists.