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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Opaqueness \O*paque"ness\, n. The state or quality of being impervious to light; opacity.
--Dr. H. More.


n. The characteristic of being opaque.

  1. n. incomprehensibility resulting from obscurity of meaning [syn: opacity]

  2. the quality of being opaque to a degree; the degree to which something reduces the passage of light [syn: opacity] [ant: clearness]

Usage examples of "opaqueness".

Down, slanting far down through the opaline opaqueness, he saw the huge trunk extend itself, to an immemorial root-hold in the clayey, perpendicular walls of the Perdu.

Janice pushed through and for a panicked moment felt her breath stop, saw a wavering opaqueness begin to draw across her vision.

Clarence and Margot Offenden had established the prize back in the seventies out of a shared exasperation with the opaqueness of the contemporary novel.