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n. 1 (context music abbreviation English) (l en opus Opus). 2 (context abbreviation English) (l en operation Operation). 3 (context abbreviation English) (l en operator Operator). 4 (context abbreviation English) (l en operative Operative). 5 (context abbreviation English) A detective. 6 An operator's license, usually ''ops'' 7 (context informal abbreviation English) (l en opportunity Opportunity).

Usage examples of "op.".

At Op- Center, flights like these were called "shorts"--- not because that was where they hurt, though they did, and not because the flights were short.

There was a widow and her son to think about, plus the sad task of finding a new commander for Striker, and he had to run Op- Center for the rest of the week that Paul Hood would be in Europe.

He didn't know for sure, but he suspected that the nickname had been coined by Op- Center's Press Officer, Ann Farris.

When it came time to price the construction of the new brainchild of Mike Rodgers and Matt Stoll, the Regional Op- Center or ROC, Lang was the first person who came to mind for the computers they'd need.

After we've spent tens of millions of dollars making the Russian Op- Center as sophisticated as our own.

This information from agents in the field was contained in what Herbert referred to as Op- Center's "pelt," the FUR file--- Foreign Undercover Resources.

Marsha Levy and Jim Warren were Op- Center's photo reconnaissance analysts.

Hood, Stoll, and Herbert were welcomed back to Op- Center with a small party in the Tank, the high-security conference room.

I was being snippy when I arrived, but Op- Center has proven its worth.

You certainly called on one of the best undercover ops in the business.

For that reason, among others, Viens was scapegoated for two billion dollars in funding that did not reach its targeted black ops programs.