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Usage examples of "ontarian".

Bossman Pier Balquirth, Ambassador to Wundlich from the Ontarian Confederacy.

All through the meal, while the Ontarian caroused and the Freetowners chattered, the New Providencian had kept silent.

He accepted Ontarian hospitality rather than ours, only to the on an Ontarian ship.

We should be working together to win the Ontarian war, so we can put all our resources into preparing for the next Cataclysm.

In his way, the Ontarian was just as likable and just as much the capable fanatic as Martha.

Chente suddenly saw an opportunity to get at the Ontarian bombs and perhaps to destroy the Providencian nuclear capability in the bargain.

After being treated by Ontarian medics, he had slept most of the preceding day.

Earthman rolled over, cursing as he felt the stitches the Ontarian doctors had put in his side come apart.

His plans to destroy the Providencian bombs were ruined now that the Ontarian fleet had been destroyed.

The last Chente saw and heard of the Ontarian fleet was a pale orange glow through the storm followed by a sound that might have been thunder.

That was the twin of the robot boat that had nearly destroyed the Ontarian fleet.

In a few weeks, Chente would make that report, using the Ontarian communications bomb.

But the people of the New Canada would never know it, for that bomb was the lever he would use to take over some small Ontarian fiefdom.

On his right sat the Ontarian delegation, consisting of Bossman Pier, three associates, and a crowd of scantily dressed odalisquesall ensconced on piles of wide, deep pillows.

They tooled over the brick-paved road past row after row of warehousesa testament to Ontarian perseverance.