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onion grass

n. A wild herb native to Europe and western Asia, naturalised elsewhere, (taxlink Allium vineale species noshow=1).

Usage examples of "onion grass".

Where it would grow, they introduced camel sage, onion grass, gobi feather grass, wild alfalfa, burrow bush, sand verbena, evening primrose, incense bush, smoke tree, creosote bush.

I turned back, just as Jamie's hands descended on the swell of my hips -Events after that were somewhat confused, with the predominant impressions being an urgent rustling of fabric, the sharp scent of trodden onion grass, and the crackling of last year's oak leaves, dry underfoot.

On the oasis edge he could see camel sage, onion grass, gobi feather grass, wild alfalfa.

She collected fennel, parsley, and onion grass as well as moss for bedding.

She busted half a dozen eggs into her greased spider and got to scrambling them, along with some chopped-up wild onion grass, as she told him how her homesick momma had brought her back to the old Santee Agency at Redwood Falls, only to find Wasichu, many Wasichu, living there now.

I wandered destitute for a week or more, eating berries and onion grass.