n. the second decimal digit in a percentage
n. one part in a hundred [syn: hundredth, one percent]
Usage examples of "one-hundredth".
Solace, and stole and diverted one-hundredth of 1 percent of the automatic earthmoving and construction equipment they used.
What if you focus the chronoscope in the past of one-hundredth of a second ago?
In my tests here to-day, I injected four one-hundredths of a grain of indol into a guinea-pig.
He had been stunned to encounter tolerances of less than one-hundredth of an inch and cemented joints so precise and so carefully aligned that it was impossible to slip even the fine blade of a pocket knife between them.
Its exposure to visible radiation of the order of one-hundredth of a lumen will trigger a delayed-action fuse.
The weak nuclear force is even more limited, having a range only one-hundredth as far.