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The Collaborative International Dictionary

one-fifth \one-fifth\ n. A fifth part.

Syn: fifth, fifth part, twenty percent.


n. a fifth part [syn: fifth, fifth part, twenty percent]

Usage examples of "one-fifth".

Italian studies which prove that man cannot walk in a gravity of less than one-fifth, but we are loath to accept these findings and shall conduct our own investigations immediately.

On the whole, owing to the circuits, the obstacles, and the imperfect observations, the journey had been extended by fully one-fifth, and now that they had reached Mount Ikirangi, they were quite worn out.

By the time the distance between the ship and the neutron star had narrowed to one-fifth of one AU -- about twenty million kilometres -- Volyova had a much clearer idea about what was causing the steady flux of particles, dominated by the heaviest of the neutrino flavours, tau-neutrinos.

It was a fit centre for the rule to whose mild sway one-fifth of the human race acquiesces - a rule upheld by so small a force that only the consent of the governed can sustain it.

If he did, a case presently worth $20 million, with comps- compensatory damages for lifetime care- might bring one-fifth of that, most of which would go to repay his medical insurer.

The two latter, with the greatest difficulty, recovered five-eighths of it in equal shares, but the three others each carried off one-fifth of the same.

The regimen, to be marketed under the name Histamex, consists of individually engineered histamine and immune response blockers delivered through the bloodstream by millions of self-replicating nanomachines, each about one-fifth the size of a human cell.

A racing car traveling at 200 kilometers per hour (120 miles her hour) is going almost one-fifth the speed of sound.

Highland in Bedford, which, in the days of our plethory, sold readily for from fifty to one hundred dollars the acre, (and such sales were many then,) would not dollars, or one-quarter or one-fifth of its former price.

Government, since Friday is one-fifth of the week and the government takes one-fifth of your check for withholding tax.