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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Omniscient \Om*nis"cient\, a. [Omni- + L. sciens, -entis, p. pr. of scire to know: cf. F. omniscient. See Science.] Having universal knowledge; knowing all things; infinitely knowing or wise; as, the omniscient God. -- Om*nis"cient*ly, adv.

For what can scape the eye Of God all-seeing, or deceive his heart Omniscient?


adv. In an omniscient manner; with omniscience.

Usage examples of "omnisciently".

Milo had posed for these pictures in a drab peasant's blouse with a high collar, and his scrupulous, paternal countenance was tolerant, wise, critical and strong as he stared out at the populace omnisciently with his undisciplined mustache and disunited eyes.