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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Police were virtually omnipresent on the city streets.
▪ On the third morning, she slipped in the omnipresent mud and sprained an ankle.
▪ Persistent, pervasive, and omnipresent, romance novels are everywhere.
▪ Portraits of monarchs, warriors and saints, as well as representations of famous battles, have suddenly become omnipresent.
▪ Special attention was given to the omnipresent Aaron Spelling.
▪ The omnipresent cul-de-sac, for example, lowered speeds but not enough for child safety, especially on the long straight legs.
▪ The omnipresent mountain cliffs gave way suddenly, and I could see a dry valley widen diagonally to the road and sand.
▪ Then, of course, as they are dreams, that sense that nothing exists directly behind you either is omnipresent.
▪ There was gorse as well and of course the omnipresent bilberries.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Omnipresent \Om`ni*pres"ent\, a. [Omni- + present: cf. F. omnipr['e]sent.] Present in all places at the same time; ubiquitous; as, the omnipresent Jehovah.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1600, from Medieval Latin omnipraesentem (nominative omnipraesens); see omnipresence. Related: Omnipresently.


a. Being everywhere simultaneously


adj. being present everywhere at once [syn: ubiquitous]

Omnipresent (album)

'Omnipresent ' is the sixth studio album by technical death metal band Origin.

The album reached number 10 on the US Billboard Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers).

Usage examples of "omnipresent".

The cubby is silent except for the omnipresent ship sounds -- expanding and contracting metal from the hull, the whisper of ventilators, the hum of equipment, the occasional burp of a thruster.

It was a vast busy space stretching away northward as far as he could see, methodically cut up into numbered sheds, gasometers, squad encampments, storage areas, interlaced with the omnipresent mono-rail lines, and altogether free from overhead wires or cables.

The hubbub of hushed and excited voices blended with the tearful cries of confused infants and children, over the omnipresent hum of powerful, industrial-strength air cleaners.

Do you suppose that omnipresent column of white swaddling will carry a message to him?

To them, and to the flies who came calling often enough to be regulars, Tolly Mune was Ma Spiderirascible, foul-mouthed, rough-humored, frighteningly competent, omnipresent, indestructible, as big as a force of nature and twice as mean.

There was not only the omnipresent role of instrumentation in the envisioning of the ultramicroscopic fossil material, but also the metamorphosis over time of the material itself, both the DNA and its matrices, so that the data were invariably incomplete, and often shattered.

Best to let the military and the omnipresent Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure handle this affair.

Heading them was the Barak Avun tu Koli himself, his balding head held high as he rode, his omnipresent expression of weariness temporarily banished for the benefit of appearances.

From what we have already related, it should be apparent that our personal connection to this nonlocal spiritual community has many of the omnipresent and omniscient properties that people often associate with an experience of God.

Behind it was a cluster of blackish-red, forbidding rocks, casting purple shadows on the sand, turning the omnipresent fluff of spicebush to a lavender shadow on the barren space.

Looking up, in fact, it was impossible to see anything except green, and more green: galaxies of starbloom, riotous armies of orchids, fruits of every color, shape, composition, and degree of ripeness, all blurred and softened and hidden by the omnipresent density of the mist.

With the endless wealth of Spacer society, and the omnipresent robots to serve as watchkeepers, theft was almost unknown, and security systems even rarer.

That insidious columnist, Reba Ashby, has been staying at The Breakers all week and is omnipresent in the community, gathering gossip.

Old-fashioned human react to the most inconvenient incitement cues of allincessant, perennial, omnipresent.

It has now been shown that the following important classes of movement all arise from modified circumnutation, which is omnipresent whilst growth lasts, and after growth has ceased, whenever pulvini are present.