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a. competent in every area; capable of doing everything.

Usage examples of "omnicompetent".

Comments on the attributes of a mythical omnicompetent man, a usual character in short stories.

No longer does the CoDominium pretend to be an omnicompetent government, a veritable interstellar empire.

What was this operation, by which whenever you discussed the Orient a formidable mechanism of omnicompetent definitions would present itself as the only one having suitable validity for your discussion?

Having been a bachelor and misogynist all his life, he was engulfed, in death, by a sea of giant, noisy, omnicompetent women, who came crawling out from strange corners of the city, from milking jobs at Amul Dairies and from the box‑offices of cinemas, from street‑side soda‑fountains and unhappy marriages.