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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Olivewood \Ol`ive*wood"\, n. (Bot.)

  1. The wood of the olive.

  2. An Australian name given to the hard white wood of certain trees of the genus El[ae]odendron, and also to the trees themselves.


n. 1 The wood of the olive tree 2 Any of several ornamental trees of the genus (taxlink Cassine genus noshow=1).

Usage examples of "olivewood".

Carved from olivewood, a little bigger than a shoe box, it had a tin lid perforated by tiny airholes and inset with the icon of an unrecognizable saint.

To pass the time, everybody was soon discussing how the tall young Greek with the elegant bearing had become enamored of the dark beauty who was never seen anywhere without her carved olivewood box.

The olivewood casket she lifted from it might have housed the grisly relics of a saint.

He remembered the board clearly-a splendid thing of ebony and olivewood, with inlays of mother-of-pearl and semiprecious stones set around the edges.

Javan had thought Revan and the others on their way to safety, but as he looked back over his shoulder he suddenly saw the preacher just at the edge of the pool with several of his disciples, flailing about him with his olivewood staff and even knocking an attacker from the saddle.

But as Queron sank back on his heels, preparing to unleash magical retribution, Revan had shifted the olivewood staff hitherto nestled in the crook of his arm and cudgeled Queron smartly behind the left ear.

A pouch of hairy goatskin hung from his leather girdle, and a staff of twisted olivewood rested in the crook of his arm.

Alroy and Javan jointly by a southern baron, was a Cardounet board made of ebony and olivewood, inlaid around the edges with mother-of-pearl and semiprecious gems.

I bought some thin orange pencils in an olivewood pencil box and a mahogany ruler with edges bound with brass.

Crete, that land of bright sea and green hills, a tavern where they sold cheese and meat roasted on olivewood sticks, and strong red wine by the cup.

She admired the workmanship of the weapon with its smoothly polished olivewood handle and long silver barrel.

April was half-gone when Brother Olivier brought stout olivewood crutches and made Michel rise from his bed.

Sydoni appeared with a jug of wine and an assortment of carved olivewood cups.

Shamrocks, flown in from Ireland, had been entwined with white lilacs, white orchid sprays, and white roses, and were all tied together with golden ribbons to decorate the Spanish olivewood altar railing.