The Collaborative International Dictionary
Usage examples of "oleracea".
Brassica oleracea: apogeotropic movement of hypocotyl, traced on vertical glass, from 9.
Brassica oleracea, movement of buried and arched hypocotyl, 13, 14, 15 --, conjoint circumnutation of hypocotyl and cotyledons, 16, 17, 18 --, of hypocotyl in darkness, 19 --, of a cotyledon with hypocotyl secured to a stick, 19, 20 --, rate of movement, 20 --, ellipses described by hypocotyls when erect, 105 --, movements of cotyledons, 115 --, -- of stem, 202 --, -- of leaves at night, 229, 230 --, sleep of cotyledons, 301 --, circumnutation of hypocotyl of seedling plant, 425 --, heliotropic movement and circumnutation of hypocotyls, 426 --, effect of lateral light on hypocotyls, 479482 --, apogeotropic movement of hypocotyls, 500, 501 Brassica rapa, movements of leaves, 230 Brongniart, A.
Thus with Brassica oleracea, Cerinthe major, and Cucurbita ovifera about four such figures were completed in 12 h.
Brassica oleracea: conjoint circumnutation of the hypocotyl and cotyledons during 10 hours 45 minutes.
Brassica oleracea: conjoint circumnutation of the hypocotyl and cotyledons, from 10.
Brassica oleracea: conjoint circumnutation of the hypocotyl and cotyledons during 8 hours.
Thus the movements of the cotyledons of Brassica oleracea and of Ipomoea caerulea, which are not provided with pulvini, are as complex as those of Oxalis and Cassia which are thus provided.
Porlieria hygrometrica, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of petiole of leaf, 335, 336 --, effect of watering, 336338 --, leaflets closed during the day, 413 Portulaca oleracea, effect of Aecidium on, 189 Primula Sinensis, conjoint circumnutation of hypocotyl and cotyledon, 45, 46 Pringsheim on the injury to chlorophyll, 446 Prosopis, nyctitropic movements of leaflets, 374 Psoralea acaulis, nocturnal movements of leaflets, 354 Pteris aquilina, rachis of, 86 Pulvini, or joints.