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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Oleoresin \O`le*o*res"in\, n. [L. oleum oil + E. resin.]

  1. (Chem.) A natural mixture of a terebinthinate oil and a resin.

  2. (Med.) A liquid or semiliquid preparation extracted (as from capsicum, cubebs, or ginger) by means of ether, and consisting of fixed or volatile oil holding resin in solution. [1913 Webster] -- O`le*o*res"in*ous, a.


a. Of or relating to oleoresin.

Usage examples of "oleoresinous".

The name is applied to this Canadian species, in Europe, because of the supposed resemblance of its product, an oleoresinous fluid obtained from punctured blisters in the bark, which is really a true turpentine, known as Canada Balsam or Canada Turpentine.