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The Collaborative International Dictionary

old-maidish \old`-maid"ish\, a. Like an old maid; prim; precise; particular; overly fastidious.

Syn: fussy, old-womanish.


a. Like an old maid; prim; precise; particular.


adj. primly fastidious [syn: old-womanish]

Usage examples of "old-maidish".

If people could rid themselves of the wickedness they currently had to repress, if science (which was advancing in leaps and bounds and causing much dismay) could alleviate the burden created by adhering to the old-maidish Victorian definition of morality, the continued march of civilization might be assured.

A great roar of engines, an old-maidish waggle of the wings and it was gone, lost in a rain cloud and heading for Singapore over a thousand miles away.