n. (old moon English)
Usage examples of "old moons".
Though it had (somehow) inserted itself into the same orbit as the old, vanished Moon, it was more than twice Luna's diameter, as large in area as five old Moons put together&mdash.
Though it had (somehow) inserted itself into the same orbit as the old, vanished Moon, it was more than twice Luna's diameter, as large in area as five old Moons put together -- and a lot more than five times as bright, because of its reflective cloud and water.
For countless mornings and afternoons, through new moons and full moons and old moons, through ram-storms and starry evenings and windy days, Cleofes wielded his spade, digging deeper and deeper toward his beloved friend who never for a moment ceased barking, whining, growling, yipping, and whimpering, as dogs will when eagerly awaiting the arrival of their masters.
White, red, and blackthe signs of the old moons, the moons of magic.
One day the king quite jokingly inquired of the duc de Duras, what was done with the old moons.