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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
old folk
▪ Does he not know that people will actually die, old folk who will turn down the heat without telling anyone?
▪ I used to go along to Greenbank Hospital's geriatric wards, where I sang and played to the old folk.
▪ There wasn't even a pub any longer and half the cottages were empty, only the old folk left.
▪ Two old folk - we echo in it.
▪ We have an alarming number of distressing cases in our files of youngsters, families and old folk who need us.
▪ You had to talk to those dear old folk at the Empress and I don't blame you.

Usage examples of "old folk".

He had never seen cresh on land, as he had told Skilluck, but he had seen old folk lose their minds, reduced to such a state that they scarcely reacted except when they were fed like hoverchicks or barqlings, or when some young'un was brought to them to be mated because a wise'un claimed there was still virtue in that line despite appearances.

Not from the lung-sickness that usually carried off the old folk in the winter, but from some growth or evil inside her.

But perhaps that is something old folk say just because they know they must go on working.

A few others I discovered by talking to some of the very old folk in the Keep, asking them to recall what rumors they could of who might have been trained in the Skill.

The riches he had brought back from his travels had now become a local legend, and it was popularly believed, whatever the old folk might say, that the Hill at Bag End was full of tunnels stuffed with treasure.

In fact, it occurred to Dagna, though he did not mention it to Galen Firth, that the last couple of bands of refugees, mostly women, children, and very old folk, had been left alone by the trolls purposely.