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Okinawan may refer to:

  • Of or relating to Okinawa Island or Okinawa Prefecture, a part of the Ryukyu Islands
  • Okinawan language, an endangered language spoken by the people of Okinawa Island
  • The people of Okinawa, a subgroup of the Ryukyuan people
  • Okinawan cuisine

Usage examples of "okinawan".

I feel that the most important factor for Okinawan longevity is that they consume 20 to 40 percent fewer calories than the Japanese.

Soy Zone Diet is based on the Okinawan diet, although I adapted it to meet the tastes and needs of most Americans.

Like the Okinawan diet, the foundation of the Soy Zone Diet is a combination of consuming more soy protein and more vegetables and increasing the intake of long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids.

Perhaps, not surprisingly, the Okinawan diet discussed in Chapter 2 is very similar to the Soy Zone Diet.

The Okinawan bartenders shaved their heads, after the first three nights, and started to wear the orange robes.

The Japanese master Funakoshi derived it from several Okinawan styles, among them Shorin-Ryu, which in turn grew from China.

They both grew out of Okinawan styles, primarily Shorin-Ryu and Sheri-Ryu.

They were arguing furiously in Japanese, Okinawan, and a dozen Chinese dialects about how to train koalas in incapacitating and crippling holds and blows.

Bobby also chose that moment to transmit a photograph of his current girlfriend, an Okinawan cutie who looked not a day over fifteen.

Apohatsu to the only other chair in her office, which featured a sloped backrest but was still not altogether different from an overstuffed recliner with which he might furnish his study in his Okinawan home on Earth.

Counting all planes in these mass attacks, together with individual kamikaze attacks not included in the table, over 3000 sacrificial sorties were launched against American naval forces in the Okinawan campaign.

She figured Spandex for one of the Korean styles, Eyebrows for a Japanese or Okinawan fighting form.

The move I threw you into the wall with, I learned from a seventy-four-year-old Okinawan during the months I was on the island.

The Okinawans have an adult age-adjusted death rate that is approximately one-half of the overall mainland Japanese population, and they have a larger percentage of the elderly reaching age 100 than any other region in the world.

The Okinawans also eat two to three times more vegetables than the mainland Japanese.