Ōkamiden, known as in Japan, is an action-adventure video game published by Capcom for the Nintendo DS handheld game console. It is a direct sequel to Ōkami, a game released for PlayStation 2, Wii, and PlayStation 3.
Ōkamiden was designed by Kuniomi Matsushita, the director of the Wii port of Ōkami, and Motohide Eshiro, producer of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth and Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. It was released in Japan on September 30, 2010, in North America on March 15, 2011 and in Europe on March 18, 2011. It stars Chibiterasu, a small celestial wolf born from Amaterasu, protagonist of Ōkami, and features much of the same gameplay as its predecessor, including the Celestial Brush which allows players to freeze the gameplay and draw shapes or patterns using the touch screen.
Development began when Matsushita expressed an interest in creating a new Ōkami game, and showed Eshiro a technical demo of such a game in December 2008. Because the demo was so well-done, development began on a sequel, and on September 2010, four years after Ōkami debuted, the game was released to positive reviews from critics and moderate commercial success.