OHADA is a system of business laws and implementing institutions adopted by seventeen West and Central African nations October 17, 1993 in Port Louis, Mauritius. OHADA is the acronym for the French "Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires", which translates into English as "Organisation for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa".
The OHADA Treaty is made up today of 17 African states. Initially fourteen African countries signed the treaty, with two countries ( Comoros and Guinea) subsequently adhering to the treaty and a third (the Democratic Republic of Congo) due to adhere shortly. The Treaty is open to all states, whether or not members of the Organisation of African Unity. OHADA was created with the objective of fostering economic development in West and Central Africa. Its objective is to create a better investment climate so as to attract investment in order to foster more growth in this market which includes 225 Million of Africans.