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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
office building
▪ And the office building was next to the storage tank.
▪ In fact, I seem to remember it was a bloody great chunk of the office building took my head off.
▪ The fireball destroyed a prefabricated office building before setting a four-storey office block ablaze.
office building

n. A commercial building containing spaces for offices.

office building

n. a building containing offices where work is done [syn: office block]

Usage examples of "office building".

Her office was in the Old Executive Office Building, just across the street, and upstairs from the new Secret Service command post, called JOC, for Joint Operations Center.

As he strode out of the towering gray granite structure, a cold autumn rain was being wind-whipped up West Executive Avenue between the West Wing of the White House and the Old Executive Office Building.

In May he signed another contract--for his first office building, a fifty-story skyscraper in the center of Manhattan.

He stated that his company was planning the erection of a small office building--thirty stories--on lower Broadway, and that he was not sold on Roark as the architect, in fact he was more or less opposed to him, but his friend Austen Heller had insisted that he should meet Roark and talk to him about it.

When Mercer returned to the marina, she intended to be inside the office building, doing business as usual.

It was nearly noon, and beautiful girls came dancing out of every office building we passed, and I thought of how regrettable it was that I'd never know or even speak to most of them.

I was in the tunnel between the House Office Building and the Capitol, with my wife and children.

The latter was done in a basement office in the Old Executive Office Building, the OEOB, the Victorian monstrosity im­.

Previous Presidential Science Advisors had been in the West Wing, but she'd been moved to the Old Executive Office Building.

The high military-style bumper hit just at the bottom of the door glass, and the official car was thrown ten meters to the left, stopping when it hit the stone walls of an office building.

Worried that occupants of an eleven-story office building might be able to look into the city, NSA leased the entire building before it was completed.