Crossword clues for offeree
n. one to whom an offer is made
Usage examples of "offeree".
Points where the magnets pulled alike in all directions defined a human border, the pattern cast by this equilibrium offeree tracing out the faintest suggestion of a shape, of being perhaps, and the invisible orders ranged in trackless silence beyond.
Laaqueel regretfully let go of the hammer offeree, feeling it disappear from the physical plane.
Bound together in groups of seven by the mighty bands offeree, the Vorkulian units sailed calmly northward, spiraling along with not the slightest change in formation or velocity.
In the silver fountain offeree pouring up from the circular lake, blue and silver beings danced and soared in greeting, and the sylphs, pure light and shimmering and little else, darted here and there around them like an honour guard.
This time, when she glanced up, Jill could see the ward, a glowing sphere offeree capping the temple compound, all marked with strange sigils and flaming pentagrams.
He snapped his cue into the rack with an excess offeree, as a well drilled soldier might place his rifle somewhere close at hand.
They keep their soldiers on a short leash in the unpopulated areas, and maintain a minimum show offeree in the cities.
Despite the banners and the show offeree, every man in the army knew that they were crawling for home, and that against all odds and despite the dweomer on their side, Braemys had scored a victory.
He walloped him twice, swinging his elbow back in a great show offeree, so that the blows looked far harder than they were.
By then, twilight had faded into night, and the astral tides, which influence the flux offerees in the etheric plane, had settled down after their change from the dominance of Fire to the dominance of Water, a change that marks the coming of night.
It was clear that he was in the hands offerees too powerful for him to control.
By then, twilight had faded into night, and the astral tides, which influence the flux offerees in the etheric plane, had settled down after their change from the dominance of Fire to the dominance of Water, a change that marks the coming of night.
The offeree, when he drops the letter containing the counter-promise into the letter-box, does an overt act, which by general understanding renounces control over the letter, and puts it into a third hand for the benefit of the offerer, with liberty to the latter at any moment thereafter to take it.