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a. 1 Away from an intended route; wayward 2 (context of gambling English) conducted away from a racetrack alt. 1 Away from an intended route; wayward 2 (context of gambling English) conducted away from a racetrack

Usage examples of "off-track".

What really grieved them, of course, was that he had the inside track on the Coronado team, then the fastest burgeoning and most glamorous race company in the business: and it would have been difficult to deny that the number of off-track articles he had written partly about the team but primarily about Harlow would have made up a pretty fair-size volume.

What really grieved them, of course, was that he had the inside track on the Coronado team, then the fastest burgeoning and most glamorous race company in the business : and it would have been difficult to deny that the number of off-track articles he had written partly about the team but primarily about Harlow would have made up a pretty fair-size volume.