vb. (en-pastoff-load)
Usage examples of "off-loaded".
Sally Stoffers was acting as supercargo with two assistants to check off what was to be off-loaded as she translated the manifests from Catteni.
The most vital equipment had already been packed for a run, most of it loaded into large, hard-sided leather trunks with multiple carrying rings, so that they could be easily on-loaded and off-loaded from pack animals.
A few, back toward SpaceBase, were being off-loaded by men stripped down to their shirts, while farther ahead men and women scrambled to save each other from drowning and pulled each other ashore.
Scott looked ready to accept any reassurance for the responsibility he had off-loaded on the colony.
Crates of chickens, ducks, and geese were strapped wherever they could be attached, to be off-loaded at the Kahrain cove, safely out of the danger zone.
Of course, the cargoes that were destined to be stored here at Paradise River would be off-loaded and the remainder more evenly distributed.
He and Ruth had transported five loads of cartons from the caves to the Aivas building, then just when the last had been off-loaded, Master Fandarel had urgently requested the two of them to convey Bendarek back to Lemos and his crafthall.
We'll have them out to you yet this evening, after we've off-loaded the rest of your cargo.
I informed him that if he wishes to submit the required paperwork to have our original requests disallowed, all of our onboard spares off-loaded, new requests drawn up, considered, and approved, and the new spares loaded, that’s certainly his privilege.
When I off-loaded those vehi-cles when we came here, I just about completely fucked up the motors, booms, winches, and other equipment aboard.