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n. One who studies teeth.

Usage examples of "odontologist".

He recommended that a forensic odontologist, or dentist, review the photographs.

I had one of my friends at the lab, a forensic odontologist, look them over.

Dolson here is not a forensic odontologist, forensic anthropologist, forensic pathologist, or a dentist, is she?

A pathologist may analyze the organs and brain, an entomologist the insects, an odontologist the teeth and dental records, a molecular biologist the DNA, and a ballistics expert the bullets and casings, while the forensic anthropologist pores over the bones.

FBI and the United Nations Commission for the Investigation of War Crimes-knows me as one of the leading forensic odontologists in the world.

Even comparing bite marks on a corpse with the teeth of a small group of suspects is more problematic than many odontologists pretend.

He is one of our odontologists, or forensic dentists, whose bad luck it is to be on call Christmas Eve.

There was also a Dental station where OCME forensic odontologists were in charge.