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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1500, odeferus, "fragrant," shortened variant of odoriferous. Related: Odiferously; odiferousness.


a. odoriferous; smelly

Usage examples of "odiferous".

Ehomba decided that all or most of them must work in that dismal, odiferous structure.

Within, it was presently lit by odiferous, smoky fat lamps and their wavering luminescence flung huge, distorted shadows upon the ancient walls.

Once past the canine welcoming committee, she stepped from the tunnel into the wide corridor of the second level, squishing her way through the odiferous floor covering, past what had once been sumptuous bedrooms, and still showed rags of velvet bedhangings and drapes at blank, earth-filled windows.

Unwilling to present such an odiferous presence to the rest of the family, he strode toward the small, protected cove, trusting that the salty sea would cleanse away the worst of it.

Keff, even sustainable technology could take care of that midden heap in a more aesthetic and less odiferous fashion.

Poundstone just sent in his report on the history of the odiferous slug-warts of Benecia-Seven.

When Michael David off returned from work, with several bags of odiferous Thai take-out, I had been asleep all afternoon, and he had been awake for almost two days.

Palaver said as he led Morg and Whort down a low, dark, odiferous tunnel, is to face the fear that produced the affectation, while at the same time indigesting a special formulaof which I am the inventor and which should evacuate the speak glands.

Gratefully, she kicked her tasteful but odiferous pumps down the pathway and stepped into the hall.

An odiferous yellow puddle remains to mark where he had been standing.

Selena entered the odiferous stillroom at that moment, attired in a most becoming morning dress of amber crepe.

Once past the canine welcoming committee, she stepped from the tunnel into the wide corridor of the second level, squishing her way through the odiferous floor covering, past what had once been sumptuous bedrooms, and still showed rags of velvet bedhangings and drapes at blank, earth-filled windows.

Not having a penny or pot to piss in I nevertheless verily do decree that there be upon the present site where I have placed, what respectable parlance dictates I refer to as my buttocks, an edifice to be erected large enough for the reception of as many incurable accountants, tax collectors, bailiffs, money lenders, solicitors, barristers, judges, and hangmen and gas meter readers, and other odiferous total bollocks as can be collected at any one time at high noon in off the streets of Dublin and without ponces, whores, eunuchs, hetero and homo sexuals galore or golden balls of malt to keep them in contentment, leave them to suffer indefinitely in their continued middle class repression.