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Oded is a Hebrew name meaning "encouragement".

People with the name Oded:

  • Oded Baloush
  • Oded Burla (1915–2009)
  • Oded Elkayam (born 1988)
  • Oded Fehr (born 1970), Israeli actor
  • Oded Gavish (born 1989)
  • Oded Golan (born 1951)
  • Oded Goldreich (born 1957)
  • Oded Liphshitz
  • Oded Menashe (born 1969)
  • Oded Kattash (born 1974), Israeli basketball player and coach
  • Oded Machnes (born 1956), Israeli football player
  • Oded Schramm (1961–2008), Israeli-American mathematician

In the Bible, there were two people called Oded:

  • Oded (father of Azariah)
  • Oded (prophet)
Oded (prophet)

Oded is a prophet in the Hebrew Bible, mentioned in 2 Chronicles 28. He was from Samaria, and met the army of the northern kingdom of Israel, who were returning with captives from Judah. In a speech from verse 9 to verse 11, he urged them to return the slaves. He was joined in this plea by some of the Samaritan leaders, and it was successful.

William Schniedewind notes that Oded is the only prophet in the Book of Chronicles who does not address a king. Schniedewind argues that this is because "in the Chronicler's view there was no legitimate northern king to address".

A different Oded is mentioned in 2 Chronicles 15, as being the father of the prophet Azariah.

Oded (father of Azariah)

Oded is a figure in the Hebrew Bible mentioned in 2 Chronicles 15. He was the father of Azariah the prophet. In the Talmud, he is also listed as a prophet.

A different Oded is mentioned in 2 Chronicles 28.