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a. relating to oceanography, the science of oceans

Usage examples of "oceanographic".

Two of our oceanographic ships were conducting subbottom profiling and underwater acoustical tests in the Kurile Trench off Japan when their instruments detected the sound of a vessel traveling at a high rate of speed in very deep water.

Besides, the Ohio-class boats were just too expensive to throw away, and they were mainly off doing valuable oceanographic missions in the North Pacific, which appealed to the tree- (actually fish and dol­phin in this case) huggers, who had far too much political power in the eyes of this white-suited warrior.

Besides, the Ohio-class boats were just too expensive to throw away, and they were mainly off doing valuable oceanographic missions in the North Pacific, which appealed to the tree- (actually fish and dolphin in this case) huggers, who had far too much political power in the eyes of this white-suited warrior.

This model was developed by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, which had dubbed it SAHRV, for Semi-Autonomous Hydrographic Reconnaissance Vehicle.

They all stood on the work deck, devoid of all oceanographic equipment except the two submersibles, and waved back.

After the submersibles were swung over and released to float away, the huge A-frame on the stern of the ship that was used to launch and recover oceanographic equipment was unmounted and dropped over the sides as well.

Trout immediately thought of Orlov, who had been a visiting professor at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, because he remembered that the professor taught at the university in Rostov near Novorossiysk.

In reality it was a habit he picked up at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution where many scientists wore them.

WITH HIS TALL gangling physique and questing intelligence, Yuri Orlov reminded Paul Trout of himself as a kid hanging around the ocean scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

His an- cestral path had diverged when, as a youngster, he hung around the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

After I saw what was left of Miss Watkins, I called a young guy I know up at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.

A colorful spread published by the Oceanographic Institute at Woods Hole, the map showed the oceans of the world complete with bottom contours and the locations of ancient wrecksas out of date now as last year's almanac.