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ocean trip

n. an act of traveling by water [syn: voyage]

Usage examples of "ocean trip".

The third day of their ocean trip was a Sunday, and the schoolteacher proposed that they hold a Quaker meeting in one of the cabins, but Woolman Paxmore protested, It seems ostentatious for us .

The third day of their ocean trip was a Sunday, and the schoolteacher proposed that they hold a Quaker meeting in one of the cabins, but Woolman Paxmore protested, “.

Ninety English shillings -- about twenty-two dollars of our money -- was more cash than Dan Baxter had seen in some time, his other money having been spent before he had taken his unexpected ocean trip, and his eyes brightened up wonderfully.

Richard Haggopian was away on yet another ocean trip, but I had been asked to wait for him.

The thing you must have if you want to spend any of that money is an ocean trip-a good, long ocean trip-around the world, if you like.

In the first place, you wouldn't have believed me, and would most likely have suggested another ocean trip, what?