a clash occurs
▪ A number of clashes occurred throughout the south between these opposing groups.
a crash happens/occurs
▪ The three-vehicle crash happened on the corner of Ongar Road.
a problem arises/occurs (also a problem comes up) (= it happens)
▪ Problems may arise when the family wants to move house.
a thought occurs to/comes to/strikes sb (=someone suddenly has a thought)
▪ The thought occurred to him that she might be lying.
a tragedy happens/occurs
▪ The tragedy happened shortly before 5pm on Saturday.
an error arises/occursformal (= happens)
▪ If an error occurs, you will have two more chances to re-enter your password.
an explosion occursformal
▪ The explosion occurred just off the coast of Greece.
an incident occursformal:
▪ The tragic incident occurred just after midnight.
an injury happens/occurs
▪ The injury occurred five minutes into the game.
erosion happens/occurs
▪ The highest rates of erosion occur where soil is exposed to drought.
▪ Such inquiries also occur face-to-face during the course of an interview or selection procedure.
▪ The disease also occurred in men, but less frequently.
▪ Whenever a circumstance of this kind exists, there also occurs a starting-to-work of the wipers.
▪ As a species, indeed, it may be in less danger than three other kites which also occur on this continent.
▪ Links also occur between the two optic lobes and run from the medial part of the protocerebrum to each medulla separately.
▪ In addition to detaching synapses, reduced connectivity also occurs by neuron death in some cortical regions.
▪ If changes in the distribution of income have also occurred, the improvement may only be a potential one.
▪ Nutrient renewal also occurs more rapidly under a managed fallow system than it does under unmanaged fallow for a number of reasons.
▪ It occurs in almost all the rocks of this age throughout the world.
▪ Leg cramps also occurred in about 5 percent of women on raloxifene compared with 1. 5 percent on placebo.
▪ Thus participation occurs in these sports on average once every 4 days.
▪ Violation of expectation Violation of expectation can occur in both melodic and harmonic lines; however it is subject to certain restraints.
▪ It occurred in about the same area as major quakes that hit the region in 1949 and 1965.
▪ Prior to Puhlhofer, failure to obtain leave to proceed by judicial review occurred in less than 10 percent of the applications.
▪ In 1916, 95 percent of the cases occurred in children under nine years old.
▪ It is far better to use a naturally occurring resource-sunlight.
▪ Tryptophan is a naturally occurring amino acid.
▪ Arsenic is one of the most widespread naturally occurring poisons.
▪ Experts believe the contamination is the result of a vein of naturally occurring uranium.
▪ They occur naturally, forming part of the membranes of cells.
▪ Without the capability to deal with punctuation, rule-based systems are unable to deal with many naturally occurring linguistic constructions.
▪ You are repeatedly pairing tension followed by relaxation, which you hope ultimately occurs naturally over time.
▪ It never occurred to me how disproportionate was the punishment to the offence.
▪ It never occurred to me that they might scratch me or hurt me, even accidentally, and they never did.
▪ In his wildest dreams, it had never occurred to Fabio that he might help any of these children.
▪ It never occurs to us that John Travolta, say, or Julia Roberts, perhaps, might also be serious snorers.
▪ It had never occurred to me that you'd object.
▪ And after his death, it never occurred to anyone that maybe one day the government would count the ballots.
▪ This last point never occurs to Honderich, who equates Conservatism with the new right.
▪ The thought of Salomon Brothers in Prague had possibly never occurred to anyone in the seventy-five-year history of the firm.
▪ These difficulties often occur following a stroke, leaving the capacity to understand less damaged, but speaking and sometimes reading impaired.
▪ Unlike child care considerations, which often can be planned months in advance, eldercare issues often occur without warning.
▪ They often occur because of conflicting considerations producing inactivity.
▪ Another problem that often occurs is improper recording of measurements.
▪ This often occurs in a phobic situation, such as a crowded noisy room, or under circumstances of tension.
▪ Matching often occurs when food is served, but the sharing may be haphazard.
▪ All those decisions can often occur within a five-minute entrepreneurial time span.
▪ Yet Moore did not think value could only occur in relation to human experience.
▪ Great determination only occurs when there is great passion.
▪ These natural wonders occur only here and in the gulf of Tonkin: connoisseurs rate Phang Nga.
▪ Sleep is associated with certain brain waves that only occur in a warmed animal.
▪ The sensation only occurs when the nerve impulse reaches the brain.
▪ Capitalization occurs only where normal according to grammatical rules.
▪ In general, such luxury items occur only rarely in Lincoln and the owners may well have been relatively wealthy burghers.
▪ Does the dizziness occur only upon arising from a sitting or lying position?
▪ The fish-scoop occurs when the object lying on the ground is very static.
▪ This decomposition, called aerobic, does not occur when the substrate medium is air-tight.
▪ The first instance most commonly occurs when a group of students complete training at the same time.
▪ Amyloidosis occurs when an abnormal protein becomes fibrous and becomes deposited in the heart muscle.
▪ A normal distribution has a kurtosis measure of 3, and a leptokurtic distribution occurs when the kurtosis is well over 3.
▪ It occurs when Chan nonchalantly eases himself down a brick wall, bracing his legs against a convenient palm tree.
▪ Such situations often occur when people make a particular journey between two places by more than one mode of transport.
▪ The disorder occurs when there is a mismatch between the blood of a pregnant woman and that of her baby.
▪ Many more tragic and fatal accidents have occurred there.
▪ The accident occurred in the afternoon.
▪ These refer to victims of road accidents occurring throughout Lothian and not necessarily in the eligible areas themselves.
▪ On April 26, 1986, a nuclear accident occurred at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union.
▪ According to a report commissioned by Greenpeace, a serious accident could occur.
▪ The accident occurred at 11: 40 p.m.
▪ Male speaker Many of the accidents occur because of inadequate education.
▪ I was deeply thankful that the accident had occurred on a sunny day and with a calm sea.
▪ Besides, more civilian deaths have occurred in the area from earthquakes than in recent wars.
▪ The Forster's tern occurs year-round in our area.
▪ Another instance in which the government subsidises private concerns occurs in the area of industrial training.
▪ Arata said 12 auto burglaries, two auto thefts and one attempted theft occurred in the area Sunday night.
▪ The final variant on provision for cyclists occurs in areas where streets are relatively narrow and pass predominantly through housing districts.
▪ Redeployment Redeployed staff should be given consideration for vacancies occurring within any area of the Group.
▪ To this day the privatization of agriculture has yet to occur in tlie agricultural areas of the old Soviet Union.
▪ In Jansher's case, this can occur at will.
▪ It is a disease primarily of men, with only 5 percent of cases occurring in women, usually after menopause.
▪ In such cases spawning often occurs successfully, almost immediately.
▪ Before it was over, 204 so-called vaccine-associated cases occurred, about three-fourths of which were paralytic.
▪ There are, however, many cases in which differentiation occurs within what at first looks like a homogeneous sheet of tissue.
▪ This year, an estimated 1, 382, 400 new cancer cases will occur, accompanied by 560, 000 deaths.
▪ There are, however, exceptional cases which occur when and.
▪ Summary of section 1.2 Although the economy is continually changing, some periods experience marked upheavals as structural change occurs.
▪ Real change will occur because measurement systems will change.
▪ This was removed by holding the temperature high under pressure until all temperature-induced changes had occurred.
▪ To deal with the disruptions it created, many employees simply denied that the change had occurred.
▪ Such a unit of goodness has been defined as the result of the slightest favourable evolutionary change that could occur.
▪ These kinds of changes desperately had to occur.
▪ It is tempting to underestimate the scale and radical nature of changes occurring around us, socially or geographically.
▪ That change occurred because many builders and contractors were sued by homeowners' associations over shoddy construction practices.
▪ Besides, more civilian deaths have occurred in the area from earthquakes than in recent wars.
▪ At least fifteen of these deaths occurred in women aged twenty-five to fifty, who were healthy when they started the diet.
▪ About a third of deaths caused by smoking occur in people aged under 65.
▪ And after his death, it never occurred to anyone that maybe one day the government would count the ballots.
▪ In camps where previously 10-20 children had died each day death was uncommon and occurred mainly among new arrivals.
▪ For those deaths which occurred at home the excess was 236.
▪ Both deaths had occurred the year before, not long after John Langford had cut short my visit.
▪ Mail failed to print An unexpected error has occurred while trying to print mail.
▪ Also, when do the errors occur?
▪ If a validation error occurs this will be reported and the remainder of the inputs will not be validated.
▪ When two planes come closer than that, an error has occurred.
▪ The few first letter errors which do occur are in words with silent consonants, for example know and write.
▪ Transcription errors occur with 3 percent to 5 percent of paper returns.
▪ Check the incident log file for errors which may have occurred earlier and resolve these.
▪ A form letter should be completed and sent to the supplier when errors occur.
▪ Only in this way can we study the probability of the second event occurring.
▪ Probably most of the lethal events that have occurred have killed their only eyewitnesses.
▪ Two events occurred that ensured, for the time being at least, no such a change in Congressional attitudes would occur.
▪ But at the time this event occurred, the gulf between intellect and faith was gaping ever wider.
▪ Historiography arose when an event occurred which in its magnitude matched the greatest events celebrated in legend.
▪ All of those events occurred well before the stock got close to its high for the year.
▪ Some identifiable affective event occurred inside you.
▪ The event will occur on the same date that then-Gov.
▪ We have to rely on the occasional incident of this kind occurring naturally, and study that.
▪ The company has acknowledged that some incidents of harassment occurred, but denies allegations that it was widely tolerated.
▪ Similar incidents occurred all over the Old City and the manpower Owen could command was stretched to its limit.
▪ An incident that occurred at Hue during the summer of 1885 exemplified their renewed ferocity.
▪ The second incident occurred when Reactor 3 shut down automatically on November 15.
▪ Our hearts go out to each and every family where such an incident occurs.
▪ They were in the fifth field near a copse of native trees when the incident occurred.
▪ But another incident occurred to prevent an accord, and once more it involved the persistent Lefebvre.
▪ This doesn't matter on the odd occasion; it is only a problem if it occurs regularly.
▪ As planners have since learned, the problems that have occurred were those not under consideration during the planning process.
▪ After the intensive twelve months support with the project, girls need somewhere to come with any problems that may occur later.
▪ The first major communication problem occurred on the morning of departure.
▪ Communication problems may occur in the exchange of information and the expression of emotion.
▪ Sometimes a single drug may have no effect on sleep, but when it is combined with another medication problems can occur.
▪ Cattle and horses cause similar problems where they occur.
▪ Another problem that often occurs is improper recording of measurements.
▪ How is it possible for endothermic processes to occur spontaneously, and will a given reaction occur spontaneously?
▪ Secondly, why has a similar process not occurred in the case of other venerated images?
▪ This is precisely the process that occurs during a two-pass load, as the synonyms are stored on the second pass.
▪ The same process occurred with a red or purple one.
▪ The actual manner in which these processes occur and/or co-operate is the subject of much debate within the psycho-linguistic community.
▪ The natural decomposition process which occurs in landfills also produces large quantities of methane and thereby presents a significant explosion hazard.
▪ These restrict some of the conceivable processes whereby excitation could occur, while allowing others to occur with very few restrictions.
▪ I think the same process occurs in the repetitive rhythm of slow long-distance running.
▪ It only occurs as a result of the incorporation of these societies into capitalist systems.
▪ This occurs as the result of toxins that form as mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy.
▪ Some have occurred as a result of lime and fertiliser applications coupled with more intensive grazing of livestock.
▪ The changes that occurred as a result of this rethinking set the stage for Workplace 2000.
▪ Such variations occur as a result of density variations associated with a temperature or concentration field.
▪ Some terrifying situations occur as a result.
▪ Lipid loss occurs as a result of using harsh skin care products and damage from the elements.
▪ The physical symptoms occur as a result of too much oxygen and too little carbon dioxide.
▪ It is also possible to continue as a graduate without eh thought occurring.
▪ That thought had occurred to me before I was hauled off to Southwold police station for the interrogation.
▪ An odd thought occurred to him.
▪ The thought inevitably occurs as to whether his studies and the sharing of his uncle's austerities had undermined his health.
▪ Strange that thought hadn't occurred to him before.
▪ A similar thought occurred to me.
▪ Some of these changes seem to occur at an early stage of the neoplastic process.
▪ Enlargement of that pie does not yet seem to have occurred to those who enter these increasingly unhappy competitions.
▪ Although no troubles seem to occur from excess calcium; if both calcium and phosphorus levels are high, damage can result.
▪ It never seemed to occur to him that anyone would give him incorrect information.
▪ The fact that he was now sheltering within it does not seem to have occurred to him.
▪ Its at the cortical level where that interaction between environment and emotions seems to occur.
▪ Maybe I should have been more tactful but it didn't seem to occur to me.
▪ Laws are passed, orders are given, compliance seems to occur, but nothing changes.
▪ Chromium and nickel occur commonly in areas which are also rich in magnesium.
▪ Giraldes claims he was with his wife when the killings occurred.
▪ Major earthquakes like this occur very rarely.
▪ The court will have to decide exactly what occurred on the night Mellor died.
▪ The disease occurs mainly in children, but can also occur in adults.
▪ The Japanese "f' sound does not occur in European languages.
▪ He decided then that he wouldn't let that situation occur again.
▪ In young children, construction occurs almost exclusively when they perform actions on objects.
▪ It occurred to him now that Blackbeard had got on his tracks in the fog.
▪ It would be unfortunate if something occurred to curtail our partnership.
▪ Substantially the reverse occurs in the adversely affected cigarette industry.
▪ The accident occurred about 11: 40 p. m. Friday.
▪ When I was a small boy, quite serious fires seemed to occur in Salisbury with great frequency.