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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Obtest \Ob*test"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Obtested; p. pr. & vb. n. Obtesting.] [L. obtestari; ob (see Ob-) + testari to witness, fr. testis a witness.]

  1. To call to witness; to invoke as a witness. [R.]

  2. To beseech; to supplicate; to beg for. [R.]


Obtest \Ob*test"\, v. i. To protest. [R.]
--E. Waterhouse.


vb. 1 (context archaic ambitransitive English) To implore, beseech, plead, beg. 2 (context archaic ambitransitive English) To call on a witness (often God) to confirm that something is true.


Obtest is an extreme metal band from Vilnius, Lithuania. They started out in 1992 as a brutal death metal act, but soon changed the style to black metal. Their lyrics are related to Lithuanian mythology and are sung in Lithuanian, though a few of the songs on their demos were in English. The band currently refers their music style as "heathen war heavy metal."