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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Obtain \Ob*tain"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Obtained; p. pr. & vb. n. Obtaining.] [F. obtenir, L. obtinere; ob (see Ob-) + tenere to hold. See Tenable.]

  1. To hold; to keep; to possess. [Obs.]

    His mother, then, is mortal, but his Sire He who obtains the monarchy of heaven.

  2. To get hold of by effort; to gain possession of; to procure; to acquire, in any way.

    Some pray for riches; riches they obtain.

    By guileful fair words peace may be obtained.

    It may be that I may obtain children by her.
    --Gen. xvi. 2.

    Syn: To attain; gain; procure; acquire; win; earn.

    Usage: See Attain. -- To Obtain, Get, Gain, Earn, Acquire. The idea of getting is common to all these terms. We may, indeed, with only a slight change of sense, substitute get for either of them; as, to get or to gain a prize; to get or to obtain an employment; to get or to earn a living; to get or to acquire a language. To gain is to get by striving; and as this is often a part of our good fortune, the word gain is peculiarly applicable to whatever comes to us fortuitously. Thus, we gain a victory, we gain a cause, we gain an advantage, etc. To earn is to deserve by labor or service; as, to earn good wages; to earn a triumph. Unfortunately, one does not always get or obtain what he has earned. To obtain implies desire for possession, and some effort directed to the attainment of that which is not immediately within our reach. Whatever we thus seek and get, we obtain, whether by our own exertions or those of others; whether by good or bad means; whether permanently, or only for a time. Thus, a man obtains an employment; he obtains an answer to a letter, etc. To acquire is more limited and specific. We acquire what comes to us gradually in the regular exercise of our abilities, while we obtain what comes in any way, provided we desire it. Thus, we acquire knowledge, property, honor, reputation, etc. What we acquire becomes, to a great extent, permanently our own; as, to acquire a language; to acquire habits of industry, etc.


vb. (present participle of obtain English)

Usage examples of "obtaining".

The art of obtaining the signature of a favorable testament, and sometimes of hastening the moment of its execution, is perfectly understood.

However, the difficulty and doubt of obtaining money make both afraid to enter into war.

I know the difficulty of obtaining belief to one's declarations of a disinclination to honors, & that it is greatest with those who still remain in the world.

I will add that your information is the sole reliance, as far as I can at present see, for obtaining this desideratum.

I do not think them essential to the obtaining eminent degrees of science.

Of the means, however, of obtaining what we wish, you will be the best judge.

For obtaining this, we are obliged to appeal to the patriotism of particular persons in different places, of whom we have requested to make the inquiry in their neighborhood, and on such information as shall be voluntarily offered.

The difficulties of getting new works in our situation, inland and without a single bookstore, are such as had prevented my obtaining a copy before.

The flood of paper money, as you well know, had produced an exaggeration of nominal prices and at the same time a facility of obtaining money, which not only encouraged speculations on fictitious capital, but seduced those of real capital, even in private life, to contract debts too freely.

However, as he kept the post-office, it was imagined he had better opportunities of obtaining news.

But, on the whole, tho' I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, but fell far short of it, yet I was, by the endeavour, a better and a happier man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it.

We bought some old cannon from Boston, but, these not being sufficient, we wrote to England for more, soliciting, at the same time, our proprietaries for some assistance, tho' without much expectation of obtaining it.

If this method of obtaining the waggons and horses is not likely to succeed, I am obliged to send word to the general in fourteen days.

He answer'd me that it was not one of their established principles, but that, at the time of their obtaining that act, it was thought to be a principle with many of their people.

They then by his advice put the paper into the hands of the Attorney and Solicitor-General for their opinion and counsel upon it, where it lay unanswered a year wanting eight days, during which time I made frequent demands of an answer from the proprietaries, but without obtaining any other than that they had not yet received the opinion of the Attorney and Solicitor-General.