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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Obsequiously \Ob*se"qui*ous*ly\, adv.

  1. In an obsequious manner; compliantly; fawningly.

  2. In a manner appropriate to obsequies. [Obs.]

    Whilst I a while obsequiously lament The untimely fall of virtuous Lancaster.


adv. in an obsequious manner


adv. in an obsequious manner; "she acts obsequiously toward her boss" [syn: subserviently, servilely]

Usage examples of "obsequiously".

Then, having salaamed the diwan obsequiously, he walked to the nearest gate with the heels of his loose sandals rutching on the gravel and dislike of exercise written all over him as if he were a Hindu merchant to the manner born.

Cirron said, watching as Sammel bobbed obsequiously and floated towards the library.

The vicars choral did not hang upon his words as they had been wont to do, and the minor canons smiled in return to his smile less obsequiously when they met him in the clerical circles of Barchester.

Chauvelin sat down at the table, which had been prepared for the tall Englishman, and the innkeeper busied himself obsequiously round him, dishing up the soup and pouring out the wine.

Before him a lacquey in my escutcheoned livery of red-and-gold was receiving, with back obsequiously bent, his hat and cloak.

Trees fruited with many intoxications overhung his path, and flowers bowed obsequiously as he passed.

Mudge, obsequiously, though not overpleased to find that this was Aunt Lucy's visitor.

Herbie carried a knapsack on his back, and after he had shuffled obsequiously past Pacheco with his arm upraised to avoid the flurry of pebbles from Mercedes Rael, he ferreted nervously among Nick's wares, loading up on corned beef hash, bean dip, potato chips, powdered milk, and the like, all of which he would lug home in the mildewed knapsack.

An officer immediately leaped to his feet at their arrival, stammering queries about Killashandra's rest, apologies for any inconvenience caused by the power failure, and obsequiously requesting Killashandra and Captain Dahl to join the Harbor Master and Elder Torkes in the communications room.

The third man, gray of hair but vigorous, obsequiously ushered in the fourth, a whitehaired man of imposing stature in a long, gray-black robe.

One of them went to Kennikin with a vacuum flask and poured out a cup of steaming hot coffee which he offered obsequiously.