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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Obovate \Ob*o"vate\ a. [Pref. ob- + ovate.] (Bot.) Inversely ovate; ovate with the narrow end downward; as, an obovate leaf.


a. (context botany mycology English) Shaped like an egg, with the broad extremity located away from the base.


adj. of a leaf shape; egg-shaped with the narrower end at the base

Usage examples of "obovate".

His crude bow worked well enough at short range and he fletched his arrows with the obovate leaves of a tree he could not name.

Leaves deciduous, 3 to 5 inches long, about 2 inches wide, on petioles which have two pairs of reddish glands, they are obovate, acuminate, with incurved short teeth, thickish and smooth and glossy on upper surface.