Crossword clues for obliquity
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Obliquity \Ob*liq"ui*ty\, n.; pl. Obliquities. [L. obliquitas: cf. F. obliquit['e].]
The condition of being oblique; deviation from a right line; deviation from parallelism or perpendicularity; the amount of such deviation; divergence; as, the obliquity of the ecliptic to the equator.
Deviation from ordinary rules; irregularity; deviation from moral rectitude.
To disobey [God] . . . imports a moral obliquity.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
early 15c., from Middle French obliquité (14c.), from Latin obliquitatem (nominative obliquitas) "slanting direction, obliquity," noun of quality from obliquus (see oblique).
n. 1 The quality of being oblique in direction, deviating from the horizontal or vertical; (non-gloss definition: or) the angle created by such a deviation. (from 15th c.) 2 Mental or moral deviation or perversity; immorality. (from 15th c.) 3 The quality of being obscure, oftentimes willfully, sometimes as an exercise in euphemism. (from 17th c.)
n. the presentation during labor of the head of the fetus at an abnormal angle [syn: asynclitism]
the quality of being deceptive [syn: deceptiveness]
Obliquity: Why our goals are best achieved indirectly is a book by economist John Kay. It was inspired by an observation of the successful pharmaceutical researcher, Sir James Black:
The theme of the book is that businesses and other enterprises are best run by enthusiasts who pursue excellence in their speciality. Financial success then follows from this. But, if financial goals are instead made the primary objective, the business will then lose its vigour and may fail.
Usage examples of "obliquity".
But every discerning reader should recognize that inaccuracy or untruth does not imply the moral obliquity that pertains to intentional falsehood.
Privately and in a very still way, she was occupying herself with the problem of the young stranger, the subject of some delusion, or disease, or obliquity of unknown nature, to which the vague name of antipathy had been attached.
Conscience only, that can see without Light, sits in the Areopagy and dark Tribunal of our Hearts, surveying our Thoughts and condemning their obliquities.
My remark seemed natural and harmless enough to him, I suppose, but I had been distinctly snubbed, and the Member of the Haouse thought I must defend myself, as is customary in the deliberative body to which he belongs, when one gentleman accuses another gentleman of mental weakness or obliquity.
Open ostentation and loud vain-glory is more tolerable than this obliquity, as but containing some Froath, no Ink, as but consisting of a personal piece of folly, nor complicated with uncharitableness.
Delude not thyself into iniquities from participation or community, which abate the sense but not the obliquity of them.
The original figure was traced on a large scale, and from the obliquity of the line of view the outer parts of the diagram are much exaggerated.
If that doesn't rid you of the rest of your spleen, you can animadvert, more forcefully than you did in the Pump Room that day, on the obliquity of my life and character!