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n. (plural of obligation English)

Usage examples of "obligations".

The king liked him out of habit, and because he had peculiar obligations to him.

Chapter 8 Short and sweet Nothwithstanding all the obligations she had received from Jones, Mrs.

And truly, after a quiet sleep, the morning was for her a succession of fresh triumphs, and I crowned her happiness by sending her away with three doubloons, which she took to her mother, and which gave the good woman an insatiable desire to contract new obligations towards Providence.

England, without conforming to the Church of England, the family returned to London, where the widow complied with all the obligations of the law of England.

As soon as Strasoldo appeared she asked him proudly if she was under any obligations to him, if she had stolen anything from him, and if she was not perfectly free to leave him when she liked.

I told him that I had seen him, then only a child, eight years before in Naples, and that I was under great obligations to his uncle, Don Lelio.

In this case I should have been freed from a good many obligations, but I was strongly persuaded of her innocence.

He was a stockbroker, about sixty years old, and was under great obligations to me.

I felt that my obligations to her were great, while she, in the goodness of her heart, was persuaded that she could make no adequate return to me for the oracles with which I furnished her, and by following which she was safely guided through the perplexities of life.

I am under obligations to you, and if I were to repay the debt I have contracted with my body I should be degraded in my own eyes.

I had great obligations towards Madame Binetti, but my duty also drew me towards the Catai, who numbered in her party all the Czartoryskis and their following, Prince Lubomirski, and other powerful nobles.

In the evening I called on Don Diego, where I was regaled with the excellent ratafia I had given the mother, and the whole family began to speak of the obligations Spain owed to the Count of Aranda.

Her obligations to me are beyond counting, for she owes me all, even to her existence, and instead of continuing my husband in her service she has sent him about his business.

She knew that I was the author of the happy reform in the institution, and she told me that she considered herself under great obligations to me.

I love and honour you more than all the world: I know the great obligations I have to you, and should detest myself if I thought my heart was capable of ingratitude.