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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Obey \O*bey"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Obeyed; p. pr. & vb. n. Obeying.] [OE. obeyen, F. ob['e]ir, fr. L. obedire, oboedire; ob (see Ob-) + audire to hear. See Audible, and cf. Obeisance.]

  1. To give ear to; to execute the commands of; to yield submission to; to comply with the orders of.

    Children, obey your parents in the Lord.
    --Eph. vi. 1.

    Was she the God, that her thou didst obey?

  2. To submit to the authority of; to be ruled by.

    My will obeyed his will.

    Afric and India shall his power obey.

  3. To yield to the impulse, power, or operation of; as, a ship obeys her helm.


vb. (en-past of: obey)

Usage examples of "obeyed".

She nearly hissed at him so great was her indignation but one look at her superior's eyes and she obeyed, though stiff with the insult just given her.

I have known these young men far too long to entertain for one moment that they are guilty of transgressing a Treaty whose terms they have scrupulously obeyed and upheld for twenty-four years.

To Teddy's absolute delight, Teabag immediately obeyed, forcing Teddy forward.

If tiiey obeyed the drill procedures, diey wouldn't know they were locked in until he had full control.

The memory of the last time he hadn't obeyed orders smacked him on the mental nose.

I don't know whether or not it's good that she obeyed our injunction that she doesn't bother her mother in the Tower.

All members of the Guild are we, but senior in rank to you am I to be obeyed, thought harsh or unjust am I not.

He was instantly obeyed as he bowed his head to consider what to do next.

Drake had obeyed Ongola’s order to bypass the Tubberman stake during Fall, but after what the Havers had said about Ted, he was curious.

In any case, his orders were strictly obeyed and, to Red’s thinking, were sensibly formulated.

I often wondered how many people actually had obeyed the full quarantine.

But he obeyed, directing Ruth to change flight to the Hold when he saw Selianth rise toward him.

He ate what he was given without complaint, took the medicines, and obeyed instructions to rest.

Although she didn't think any human could fall asleep so quickly, she obeyed the implicit dismissal and, beckoning to her fire lizards, quietly departed.

Beauty and Rocky gave little spurting sounds of fear, but they obeyed her.