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n. a Nazi party paramilitary rank that was first created in 1932 as a rank of the Sturmabteilung and until 1942 it was the highest rank in the Schutzstaffel


Obergruppenführer was a Nazi Party paramilitary rank that was first created in 1932 as a rank of the SA, and adopted by the Schutzstaffel (SS) one year later. Until April 1942, it was the highest commissioned SS rank, inferior only to Reichsführer-SS ( Heinrich Himmler). Translated as "senior group leader", the rank of Obergruppenführer was considered senior to Gruppenführer. A similarly named rank of Untergruppenführer existed in the SA from 1929 to 1930 and as a title until 1933. In April 1942, the new rank of SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer was created which was above Obergruppenführer and below Reichsführer-SS.

Usage examples of "obergruppenfuhrer".

Two Sturmbannführer and an Obergruppenführer - a brace of majors and a general.

The Obergruppenführer was in his late fifties, built like an ox, with the battered face of an ex-boxer.

The Obergruppenführer confirmed that Dr Feldscher's information was correct, and pressed me to discover its source, as such breaches of security could not be tolerated.

Morell, SS Obergruppenführer Fegelein, and Herr and Frau Goebbels with all their six children.

Only SS Obergruppenführer Fegelein had a clear grasp of the situation.

The RSHA it was called, and SS Obergruppenführer Kaltenbrunner had just taken over the command after Heydrich was assassinated in '42.