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n. (plural of obeisance English)

Usage examples of "obeisances".

We knelt and performed the three obeisances and nine kowtows, and he signaled for us to rise.

They ushered him into the audience chamber, and after the three obeisances and nine kowtows he was allowed to rise and approach the throne.

Whilst we were still thus engaged, our friend the captain of the guard presented himself, and with many obeisances signified that we were to follow him, which we did, not without doubts and heart-searchings -- for we guessed that the time had come when we should have to settle the bill for those confounded hippopotami with our cold-eyed friend Agon, the High Priest.

Andry and Hollis were among the last to walk down the high-ceilinged passage, and as they went by a window embrasure they saw four boys and two girls huddled together, listening wide-eyed as a Sunrunner instructed them in making their obeisances to Lady Andrade.

His allies followed, though they remembered to make their obeisances before Rohan and Andry.