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init. olefin and surfactant

Usage examples of "o&s".

SOme time after, while we were talking in frOnt Of the fire, she tOOk a piece Of paper, set up the pyramids, and inscribed the fOur keys O, S, A, D.

On returning tO her hOuse I wished tO give her an I O U fOr the mOneys, but she wOuld nOt hear Of such a thing, and I let her remain satisfied Of my hOnesty.

And the gay lakin, mistress FittOn, mOunt and cry O, and his dainty birdsnies, lady PenelOpe Rich, a clean quality wOman is suited fOr a player, and the punks Of the bankside, a penny a time.

Lady Sylvester Elmshade, Mrs Barbara LOvebirch, Mrs POll Ash, Mrs HOlly Hazeleyes, Miss Daphne Bays, Miss DOrOthy Canebrake, Mrs Clyde Twelvetrees, Mrs ROwan Greene, Mrs Helen Vinegadding, Miss Virginia Creeper, Miss Gladys Beech, Miss Olive Garth, Miss Blanche Maple, Mrs Maud MahOgany, Miss Myra Myrtle, Miss Priscilla ElderflOwer, Miss Bee HOneysuckle, Miss Grace POplar, Miss O MimOsa San, Miss Rachel CedarfrOnd, the Misses Lilian and ViOla Lilac, Miss Timidity Aspenall, Mrs Kitty Dewey-MOsse, Miss May HawthOrne, Mrs GlOriana Palme, Mrs Liana FOrrest, Mrs Arabella BlackwOOd and Mrs NOrma HOlyOake Of OakhOlme Regis graced the ceremOny by their presence.

You must never see it go out of the bowl of your pipe,--but only from the corner o your mouth, at regular intervals which must not be too frequent.

We hOld Our hearts up tO thee: make them what they must be, O LOve, O Life Of men, O Heart Of hearts!

O but the dark evening in the Appian way I nearly spOke tO Mrs Clinch O thinking she was.

Wherein, O wretched cOmpany, were ye all deceived fOr that was the vOice Of the gOd that was in a very grievOus rage that he wOuld presently lift his arm up and spill their sOuls fOr their abuses and their spillings dOne by them cOntrariwise tO his wOrd which fOrth tO bring brenningly biddeth.

YOur starving eyes and allbeplastered neck yOu stOle my heart, O gluepOt.

Years and years I lOved yOu, O, my sOn, my firstbOrn, when yOu lay in my wOmb.

I set tO wOrk, and after erecting my pyramid and placing abOve the fOur keys the letters O, S, A, D, the better tO impOse On Esther, I extracted the reply, beginning with the fOurth key, D.

LyOns tO-mOrrOw, but yOu will first write me Out an I O U fOr twelve lOuis.

When he had written the I O U, I went tO take a place in the diligence fOr him, and the next mOrning I went with the advOcate tO withdraw the arrest and tO take back the twelve lOuis, which I gave tO my brOther in the diligence, with a letter tO M.