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The Collaborative International Dictionary

nymphomania \nym`pho*ma"ni*a\ (n[i^]m`f[-o]*m[=a]"n[i^]*[.a]), n. [Gr. ny`mfh a bride + mani`a madness.] (Med.) An uncontrollable excessive sexual desire in women, constituting a true disease.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1775, in English translation of "Nymphomania, or a Dissertation Concerning the Furor Uterinus," by French doctor M.D.T. Bienville, coined from Greek nymphe "bride" (see nymph) + mania "madness" (see mania). Perhaps influenced by earlier French nymphomanie. Defined as "a female disease characterized by morbid and uncontrollable sexual desire." Compare also nympholepsy.


n. Excess of sexual (l en behaviour) or (l en desire) in women.


n. abnormally intense sexual desire in women

Usage examples of "nymphomania".

Sexual acts: hetero, homo, bestial, nymphomania, satyriasis, and all the erotic postures of desire, passion, lust, love, and pleasure.

They say out of one side of their mouths that sex is okay and beautiful, but out of the other side they say that any real enthusiasm for sex is a sign of immaturity, Don Juanism, nymphomania, satyriasis, and social irresponsibility.

It occurred to me that satyriasis might be a logical prescription for nymphomania.

The conditions in which bromides are most frequently used are insomnia, epilepsy, whooping-cough, delirium tremens, asthma, migraine, laryngismus stridulus, the symptoms often attendant upon the climacteric in women, hysteria, neuralgia, certain nervous disorders of the heart, strychnine poisoning, nymphomania and spermatorrhoea.