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n. (context rare or archaic English) (alternative spelling of nymph English)

Usage examples of "nymphe".

And vppon euerie side the same diuided into three, the middle parte betwixt the fall of the waters intercepted, did contayne in halfe bodyes carued, a tryumph of Satyres and Nymphes, with Trophees, and exquysite actions, excepte the fore-part and hinder parte moderately sinuated and bent in.

One pleasant Nymphe spake thus merrily vnto mee saying, giue mee thy hand, thou art verie welcome.

Poliphilus feeling himselfe vnder the assurance of the five Nymphes, went with them to the bathes where they had great laughter in the deuise of the fountaine, and also by his vnction.

Being thus curteously intreated of these gracious and pitiful Nymphes, and hauing my safetie by them sufficiently warranted with sweet comforts, reuiuing my decaied spirites.

The feete of the Infant stood one in one of the handes of the Nymphes, and the other, in the others hand.

And when my vnlawfull desires of the fleshe were brideled, the pleasant Nymphes came againe to mee, and as wee walked on, wee came into a frequented place, and wonderfully fruitfull.

But the successe and manner of my comming being demaunded of them, the Nymphes plainly, open and manifest the same at large, whereat the gratious Queene beeing mooued to compassion, caused me to stand vp, and vnderstanding what my name was, began to say.

In the presence of the magnificent Queene there did alwayes wayte and attend three honourable Nymphes, their apparell beeing of golde and silke, maruelously wouen and adorned, and sette with pearle and stone.

Then first before the sacred Maiestie and royall person of the Queene, and afterwards to vs, fiue fayre Nymphes apparelled in blewe silke and golde curiously wouen togeather in workes, did all together appresent themselues.

Queene did commit him to two of her Nymphes, the which did leade and conduct him to the sight of many wonderfull things, and as they talked, shewed vnto him the secrecies of such things as hee stood in doubt of.

Thus they continued playing and dauncing according to the time of the musicke, with greate pleasure, solace, and applause, vntill the King of the siluer Nymphes was victour and conquerour.

Which her Highnes perceiuing, motherly and with a naturall promptnes in a maiestical grauitie, turned her countenance to two noble and goodly Nymphes, attending neere vnto her Royall and imperiall Throne, saying thus to one of them vpon her right side.

The metallyne gates beeing shut, I remayned incloystered among these fayre and beautifull Nymphes, who began very pleasantly and wantonly to deuise with mee: and beeing hemmed in with their lasciuious company, I found my selfe prouoked by their perswasiue alluring intisements, to vnlawfull concupiscence, feeling in my selfe a burning desire, kyndled with their wanton aspects, an increasing prouocation of a lusting fier.

Such as Diana by the sandie shoreOf swift Eurotas, or on Cynthus greene,Where all the Nymphes haue her vnwares forlore,Wandreth alone with bow and arrowes keene,To seeke her game: Or as that famous QueeneOf Amazons, whom Pyrrhus did destroy,The day that first of Priame she was seene,Did shew her selfe in great triumphant ioy,To succour the weake state of sad afflicted Troy.

Then came those sixe sad brethren, like forlorne,That whilome were (as antique fathers tell)Sixe valiant Knights, of one faire Nymphe yborne,Which did in noble deedes of armes excell,And wonned there, where now Yorke people dwell.