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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nunnish \Nun"nish\, a. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a nun; characteristic of a nun. -- Nun"nish*ness, n.


a. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a nun.

Usage examples of "nunnish".

Bellis did not know why Meriope was being sent to Nova Esperium, but it must have to do with some misfortune or disgrace, the transgression of some idiotic nunnish vow.

Jeannette was wearing a chocolate-colored dress with a nunnish white bib.

At first he would have guessed no more than a B cup, but that nunnish white blouse had been deceiving.

Spanish, all the houses gray, more bright plastic madonnas in nunnish getups on peeling front porches, stores and bodegas and low-suspension cars triple-parked, an all-out full-cast creche-type scene hung from a second-floor balcony, clotheslines hanging between houses, gray houses in rows squished right up next to each other in long rows with tiny toy-strewn yards, and tall, the houses, like being squished in from either side distends them.

Bellis did not know why Meriope was being sent to Nova Esperium, but it must have to do with some misfortune or disgrace, the transgression of some idiotic nunnish vow.