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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Numerous \Nu"mer*ous\, a. [L. numerosus. See Number.]

  1. Consisting of a great number of units or individual objects; being many; as, a numerous army; numerous objections.

    Such and so numerous was their chivalry.

  2. Consisting of poetic numbers; rhythmical; measured and counted; melodious; musical. [Obs.]

    Such prompt eloquence Flowed from their lips, in prose or numerous verse.
    --Milton. [1913 Webster] -- Nu"mer*ous*ly, adv. -- Nu"mer*ous*ness, n.


adv. In a numerous manner; manifoldly.

Usage examples of "numerously".

The seeds grow numerously in the small flat flowers placed thickly together on each floral plateau, or umbel, and are best known to us in seed cake, and in Caraway comfits.

The leaves are linear, pinnate, lobed and serrated, hairy, rough, and numerously produced.

The committee attached the utmost value to the right of petitioning, and to the exercise of that most important privilege by the subjects of this realm, and felt deeply the necessity of preserving the due exercise of such privilege from abuse, and having also a due regard to the importance of a petition so very numerously signed, had made that petition the subject of their present report.

This ceremony is always very numerously attended by Etonians, and has frequently been honored with the presence of his late Majesty, and the different branches of the Royal Family.

Frequently the beautiful white kind is sought for by the typical name only, so that if a plant were supplied accordingly there would be disappointment at seeing a somewhat coarse specimen, with small rosy flowers, instead of a bold and beautiful plant with a base of large vine-shaped foliage and strong stems, numerously furnished with large white flowers, quite 2in.

Hearto4, as I hav numerously obsarved, I have abstrained from having any sentimunts or principles, my pollertics, like my religion, bein of a exceedin accommodatin character.

And then to look at him, handsomely clothed in his fur and broadcloths, rich, free, numerously served and attended, his eyes roving far away among the glories of the landscape, no miserable screen before them to darken his sight and cast its shadow on him, was enough.