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n. 1 (context physics English) The study of nucleons, or of atomic nucleus 2 nuclear physics or technology


n. the branch of physics that studies the internal structure of atomic nuclei [syn: nuclear physics, atomic physics]

Usage examples of "nucleonics".

The Traders needed applied mathematics -- bookkeeping and accounting, astrogation, nucleonics for a hydrogen-fusion-powered n-ship.

Could the Quintans have skipped the stage of explosive chain reactions in nucleonics and gone right to the next stage—.

We offer the career of a lifetime to anyone interested in astronautics, biology, chemistry, dynamics, eugenics, ferromagnetism, geology, hydraulics, industrial administration, jet propulsion, kinetics, law, metallurgy, nucleonics, optics, patent rights, quarkology, robotics, synthesis, telecommunications, ultrasonics, vacuum technology, work, X-rays, ylem, zoology .

Mars-sized, eccentrically orbiting at about one AU, an airless, waterless waste of rock glowing red-hot by day and always spitting induced radioactivity, it revealed little more than that at half a dozen points on its surface there were centers of electronics, nucleonics, hyperonics, and who could tell what else?

With smaller buildings, including the study halls, the nucleonics laboratory, the cadet dormitories, mess halls, recreation halls, all connected by rolling slidewalks-and to the north, the vast area of the spaceport with its blast-pitted ramps -the Academy was the goal of every boy in the year a.

New chapters opened up in the physics of colloids, in the physics of strong interactions, in neutrino astronomy, in nucleonics, biology, and, above all, the new knowledge of the Universe -- this represents but the first interest that has accrued to us from the informational principal, which, according to the experts, promises huge profits to come.

By half past eleven, New York was through for the day, and Munson went around the corner for lunch, always at the Petit Pois, whose proprietor he had helped to make a millionaire by putting him into Consolidated Nucleonics several components two and a half years before the big merger.