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nuclear rockets

n. (nuclear rocket English)

Usage examples of "nuclear rockets".

It swung us above the dim-lit tanks and tangled pipes of the catalytic plant that converted the frozen gases of the asteroid into fuel for nuclear rockets and drinking water for us.

The snowball that had supplied reaction mass for the old nuclear rockets was still in detector range, swinging a hundred miles from the station in their coupled orbits.

His hundreds of nuclear rockets were insufficient and if he had had thousands of the same type he would not have had enough.

And because of it, the nuclear rockets have had their nightmare hatching.

He joined their formation at the rear and armed all seven nuclear rockets.

Particularly when we demonstrated that our nuclear rockets were as good as theirs and if they wanted to destroy us they would have to accept a good deal of destruction of their own.

Though men had had nuclear rockets since the beginning of consecutive history, they had used chemical rockets to load the interplanetary ion-drive and nuclear-drive vehicles or to assemble the photonic sail-ships for interstellar cruises.

In the age of their lost greatness, the preman spacemen had slowed it with huge nuclear rockets, slung it first around Mars and then around the moon, steered it at last into Earth orbit.

It is my fervent prayer that even if we should commit ourselves to a limited conflict, it will not spread into a worldwide holocaust, and that our ICBMs will rest forever in their silos, and our jet bombers will continue confined to their runways or routine missions, and that our Polaris submarines will cruise under the seas with their nuclear rockets safely unarmed.

One hour later the Titan put in an appearance over the moon Laros after it had rammed mercilessly through a chain of Aras outposts and destroyed a string of automatic defence bases bristling with nuclear rockets, mammoth disintegrators and thermo-launchers for the interception of foreign objects.