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nuBuilderPro is the branding name of version 3 of nuBuilder.

nuBuilderPro is a tool used by software developers to produce web/cloud database solutions.

nuBuilder and nuBuilderPro are Open Source applications released by nuSoftware under the GPLv3 Open Source licence model.

nuBuilderPro is supported by nuSoftware. nuSoftware regularly produce updates for nuBuilderPro and submit these updates to GitHub. nuSoftware also maintain the documentation for nuBuilderPro online.

nuBuilder and nuBuilderPro is also supported by the global community of software developers who are involved on the nuBuilder forums.

New updates are no longer provided for version 2 of nuBuilder but you can still download version 2 from SourceForge and you can still access the documentation for version 2 online.

The nuBuilder platform stores forms, reports, company data and any custom code in MySQL and displays the content dynamically in a web-browser.

This allows both the development interface, and the user interface to be built through the nuBuilder environment.