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NSCA may refer to:

  • National Safety Council of Australia, a nonprofit organisation in Australia promoting safety awareness and offering consulting, auditing and training services
  • National Sporting Clays Association, an organization that promotes the game of sporting clays
  • Negros State College of Agriculture, now known as Central Philippines State University
  • Nova Scotia Court of Appeal, the highest appeal court in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Nuclear Safety and Control Act, replaced the Atomic Energy Control Act of 1946 with new, more effective and explicit legislation to regulate the activities of the Canadian nuclear industry
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association, confers professional certifications to personal trainers and to strength and conditioning coaches
  • National Serbian Clarinet Association ( Serb. Национална српска кларинетистичка асоцијација/Nacionalna srpska klarinetistička asocijacija 1), founded by the Serbian clarinetists in 2015
  • A specific network protocol for communicating computer component usage statistics between NSClient++ and Nagios/ Icinga